For the purposes of current legislation relating to personal data protection, Avantia Asesoramiento Fiscal y Legal, S.L. with registered office in Paseo de la Castellana, 31, 8º. 28046 – Madrid, inform the User that, while navigating on our web site, if there is a comment or request made by the User, it would be necessary to provide some personal data which will be added to a computerised file, previously registered through the Spanish authorities. This file is created by and under the responsibility of this company.
Users’ data are collected to enable us to manage the request as well as send information by any medium, including e-mail and/or an equivalent channel, on products, services, offers and new items we consider to be of interest to the User. The User has full knowledge about this file and its use and expressly authorises us to collect data, process them and add them to the computerised file.
Data owner could, at any moment, access to the computerised file and could also exercise rectification, cancellation and objection rights, as allowed by current legislation relating to personal data protection. The data owner could, at any moment, withdraw authorisation for the collection and processing of personal data. For this purpose, the User shall send a letter signed by the personal data owner, including address, National Identification Document copy or Passport, to the commercial address of the Company, located in Paseo de la Castellana, 31, 8º. 28046 – Madrid.
Avantia Asesoramiento Fiscal y Legal, S.L. has taken the legal security measures in the company offices, systems and files. Furthermore, the company grants personal data confidentiality except for Public Authorities requests, which will be attended with all the information possessed or accessible in the Company systems or files in accordance with legislation and regulation in force.
The User grants and is responsible for the accuracy, correctness, authenticity and validity of the data provided.